Book Detail

Real Sisters Pretend

ISBN: 9780884487845

Contributors: Lambert, Megan Dowd (Author)
Tadgell, Nicole (Illustrator)

Publisher: Tilbury House Publishers, 2019

Binding: Paperback (Readerbound Available)

Retail: $9.95

Discounted Price
1 copy: $7.96
2+ copies: $7.56


This warm, engaging story, which unfolds entirely through the conversation of two adopted sisters, was inspired by the author's own daughters, whom she overheard talking about how adoption made them "real sisters" even though they have different birth parents and do not look alike.

Reviews & Citations

  • Nunc neque neque, blandit finibus libero eget, placerat gravida magna. Duis suscipit scelerisque nisi nec auctor. Fusce ac mauris nunc. Duis et fermentum quam.

    Citation: pg. 1

  • Morbi congue, mi commodo vehicula molestie, erat mi vulputate ex, in elementum nibh magna id leo. Integer sed odio in felis sodales dapibus.

    Review: Child's Book Association