Book Detail

Deathstalker Destiny

ISBN: 9781625675538

Contributors: Green, Simon R (Author)

Publisher: Jabberwocky Literary Agency, Inc., 2021

Binding: Paperback (Readerbound Available)

Retail: $16.99

Discounted Price
1 copy: $16.48
2+ copies: $16.14


Owen Deathstalker's greatest love has been abducted by a cult dedicated to the excesses of scientific experimentation. Stranded on Lachrymae Chrisi, Owen struggles to help a leper colony survive, waiting for the chance to rescue his love. Meanwhile, he is torn by his duty to fight in an intergalactic war.

Reviews & Citations

  • Nunc neque neque, blandit finibus libero eget, placerat gravida magna. Duis suscipit scelerisque nisi nec auctor. Fusce ac mauris nunc. Duis et fermentum quam.

    Citation: pg. 1

  • Morbi congue, mi commodo vehicula molestie, erat mi vulputate ex, in elementum nibh magna id leo. Integer sed odio in felis sodales dapibus.

    Review: Child's Book Association