Book Detail

We Are Their Voice: Young People Respond to the Holocaust

ISBN: 9781926920771

Contributors: Kacer, Kathy (Author)

Publisher: Second Story Press, 2012

Binding: Paperback (Readerbound Available)

Retail: $16.95

Discounted Price
1 copy: $13.22
2-29 copies: $12.37
30+ copies: $11.87


A collection of writing and art from young people who were invited to share what the Holocaust means to them. Their contributions reveal that they find meaningful lessons in the past, and give us hope for a more peaceful and tolerant future.

Reviews & Citations

  • Nunc neque neque, blandit finibus libero eget, placerat gravida magna. Duis suscipit scelerisque nisi nec auctor. Fusce ac mauris nunc. Duis et fermentum quam.

    Citation: pg. 1

  • Morbi congue, mi commodo vehicula molestie, erat mi vulputate ex, in elementum nibh magna id leo. Integer sed odio in felis sodales dapibus.

    Review: Child's Book Association